Fingers or Toes

This will be one of the more interesting Half Calf updates from a “Parental Logistics” standpoint. For ten days, Half Calf was in Georgia with Momma and as soon as they got home, Daddy had to leave to go to Texas for work. So a lot of what happened only happened with Momma this month, which is only a challenge since Daddy usually writes these.

In general, there are not a lot of “new” things, just things he is getting better at doing. He is crawling better and faster. He is standing easier. He is getting into everything. So basically more of the same.

One thing that changed is that Half Calf finally got a haircut. It was getting a little unruly so we took him to barbershop. He actually did great; Momma sat in the chair holding him and he really didn’t move much or fuss at all. It was a highly successful event.

Another new activity is that we went to the swimming pool and tried that out. If you recall, we did that once back in December, but the experience seemed to be pretty overwhelming for him. But this time, with Momma and Daddy taking turns to help him with his floating, he had a blast. Of course that was just before both our schedules got crazy so we have not been back yet but intend to soon.

We also had yet another allergic reaction. It was our typical swelling face, red skin, hives. We are pretty sure this one is dairy, which fits a previous flareup that we could not completely pinpoint, but knew cheese was involved. And we have reached the point where the allergist is taking a more aggressive approach to the issue by doing blood work and planning for some extended food testing. So if nothing else we will hopefully learn what we need to do to keep him feeling good. As always, he is still happy, even when sick, so we definitely use that as a severity gauge for him.

Grandma came to visit for Easter weekend. Since she has been to Alaska a number of times already, it was really just a “hang out with the baby” trip, not a normal tourist trip. She was only here for a few days but we ran some errands, went to church, had an Easter “Basket” aka Bag, and participated in an egg hunt with some friends. Half Calf had two that he carried around for a long time; I guess the shape really worked for his hands.

Half Calf and Momma also went to Georgia to visit with her family. No real milestone type activities were reported back to Daddy but fun things like Half Calf’s first trip to hang out at the playground happened. He also got to play in the Kiddie Pool with Blueberry and Parker and had a blast.

Here are a couple of other videos. As you can see, Half Calf abuses the cat. It is only a problem because the cat is 20 years old so he is not fast or strong enough to escape. However, as you can see, he doesn’t actually WANT to escape either, he just wants a little less of Half Calf is all.

Another fun video is from visiting one of our friend’s houses and having a play session with the dog. Half Calf held his own but we did stop the video before the climactic moment just because it seemed best to AVOID said moment.


Half Calf also got a bike helmet for when he is in his buggy. It was amazingly hard to find since we were going on a ride last minute and had to go buy one. It took three stores to find one in his size!!! Everyone else was sold out. We did let him practice wearing it around the house, which was entertaining.

All in all, Half Calf is getting more curious, more mobile and starting to figure this world out. We will definitely have to do some better child proofing soon since he is good at opening drawers and pulling things off low shelves in the kitchen already.



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