Fourth Trimester

We have crossed the three month mark. At the rate of change, I am pretty sure he will be driving in a couple years. Though in all honesty we are mostly spent the last month getting settled into some routines. So while a lot has happened in the last month, there is not a ton to “report”. We generally know when to let Half Calf sleep, we know how often to feed him. We have a system for dealing with him overnight. But we are also figuring out our work and home life schedules and how it all fits together.

We still try to do social and outdoor activities for ourselves with him as long as they fit within some general parameters. He still loves hiking (so he can take long naps) and actually was on his longest hike yet recently, almost 11 miles. He attended his first birthday party with other kids. He went to watch his first rivalry football game.

However it is not all great, he also has a bad case of cradle cap, so we are constantly fighting dry, nasty skin that has spread from his head down to his ears and eyes.  He has been to the doctor a few times to try and get all the skin issues under control but no real success as of yet. And that bad skin also led to his first haircut (yes, I know, but that hair was so great!!!) since it was so often filled with greasy medicine and/or lotion. On top of all that, his baby fingernails are actually razors which are quite good at slicing his own face and since it is so dry, it bleeds easily. Because of all that he looks generally rough in a number of these pictures.

As for his torrid pace of growing, he slowed down a LOT. This month he gained a little over 2 pounds and ZERO inches. Yup, still at 23 inches long. So he isn’t taller than Momma quite yet…

Yet in spite of all this, he is really such a happy baby. It amazes us every day.

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