Project Half Calf Family and Friends The Times They Are a-Changin’

The Times They Are a-Changin’

So the real reason the last two posts have been rushed out is that I knew I had to write a 2 month post as well, and since I was going to be using some pictures from those trips, I figured I would try to account for them first. I was going to actually try and write some of the things that we and he have been doing but honestly, the OTHER posts are for what has been going on, this post really is just about him and how he has changed.

Here are some of the things he does now:

  • Smile
  • Grip with his fingers
  • Hold his head up for a minute or more during Tummy Time
  • Make lots of talking noise
  • Track movement with his eyes

Half Calf is still eating every few hours but the quantity has gone up. And sleeping is still inconsistent though he does seem to make it longer between feedings at night, sometimes, meaning we can get a little bit of additional sleep. He grew 1.5 inches and 2 more pounds so we are still on pace to be over 9 feet when he is five years old.

Anyway, here are some pictures from the last month (since we know that is what you are here to see).

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