
Another week has passed. We have had more company this week also; Thao’s Dad, Sister and Nephew (who is 8 months old himself) came to visit. So that means since Momma was so busy with the guests and Daddy was at work, he doesn’t have as much to write as normal since that involves getting details from Momma (note to self, get more input from Momma next week).

The recap I have pieced together is that Half Calf spent a lot of time outside this week since the family went fishing a few times in the park during the day, we went to a picnic/going away party, a small get together and just general hanging out in the yard. I mean, it is August now, so summer in Alaska is over in like 12 hours or something like that so we need to get it all in while we still can. And it is possible that all that sun is driving the baby acne, which has increased this week for certain.

At least Half Calf is getting onto a bit of a schedule where he sleeps through most of the night other than one feeding but at the same time he is also gaining some lung capacity so is getting louder and more demanding when it is time to eat. And he still wiggles and fusses at night so while he may sleep, he wakes one or both of us up regularly. He is still only breast fed so Daddy can’t help much as night yet either.

Yeah, definitely need more input from Momma next week… anyway, here you go, everyone’s favorite part of these posts so far (I promise, the posts will get more interesting one day).

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