We have a lot to say but not really anything specific to say at the moment. In all honesty we just wanted to make sure there were a few posts on the website before we debuted it to the world at large. So this is the “crash course version” of a website. We are sure over time the design will change and modify but for now, this is what we came up with as a starting point.
So we guess we can begin with the quick summary. We are Thao and Cory. We are having a baby in July. If you didn’t know that, SURPRISE!!! If you did, then you likely are not all that surprised by this revelation. In either case, as the need to refer to the pending child as something other than “the baby”, he/she acquired the moniker “Half Calf”, the reason for which is explained elsewhere. We currently live in Anchorage, Alaska and have been here since 2012 and 2014 respectively.
Now we are starting down that parenting road and like most folks, making most things up as we go. Conversations about “hey, what about maybe doing this?” have now turned into “oh crap, we should have already done that”. That means we also are figuring out what exactly that means for us, our activities, our friends, our families, our life plans, etc. Obviously a lot of things will change but isn’t point of life to experience new things?
Hi! I’m a huge fan of project half calf. I promise I’m not a stalker but you have fans in California. I even hear half calf’s origins stemmed from the great city of San Francisco. So, Im even more happy to welcome this “Summer of Love” child. Anyways, I’m also happy to see that we can now donate to project half calf! I think startups are the bedrock of the American economy and so I’m happy to support such a venture. When can we expect the app to come out???
App? You are lucky you got a crappy website!!!